Mail Master 1 1 1 – Design Stylish Emails Without

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  1. Mail Master 1 1 1 – Design Stylish Emails Without Downloading
  2. Mail Master 1 1 1 – Design Stylish Emails Without Damaging
  3. Mail Master 1 1 1 – Design Stylish Emails Without Losing
  4. Mail Master 1 1 1 – Design Stylish Emails Without Deleting

Tap into the time-saving and stress-relieving power of customer service email templates.

Your Google Account automatically protects your personal information and keeps it private and safe. Every account comes with powerful features like spam filters that block 99.9% of dangerous emails before they ever reach you, and personalized security notifications that alert you of suspicious activity and malicious websites.

In customer service, there's an underlying fear that every single email you send might be the big one. This might be the one that goes viral on social media. This could be your founder's nephew posing as an angry customer. This might be misconstrued and land your company in hot water.

Good customer service requires walking on eggshells while solving problems. And that's really hard.

Following the right customer service email tipsand templates make it far easier.

  • News, email and search are just the beginning. Discover more every day. Find your yodel.
  • Traditionally, every new email requires an email brief that comes with a 1-week turnaround just to get the basic design laid out. Once the creation team populates the email template with content, they pass it on for the first round of testing and quality assurance (QA).

Before the excrement hits the fan, proactively create some well-thought-out and amiable responses to difficult situations. You'll be able to shoot them out quickly when time is of the essence.

And you'll rest easy knowing that there's nothing incriminating or potentially riot-inducing contained within them.

Today, we're going to share five customer service email templates we use for the most challenging of situations. If you'd like to create and start sending your own templates through Groove's canned replies (I'll show you what that looks like below), you can kick off a free 15-day trial of Groove here!

Your master customer service email template

First things first. We've designed the templates below for specific situations—and use them ourselves. But, you have to start with the master of all automated scripts: your auto-reply email.

Sadly, while customers expect an immediate response to support requests (even if that's just a friendly note saying it's been received), the majority of businesses fail on this front.

As one recent test of roughly 1,000 small, medium, and large companies found:

Equally as bad, however, is an autoresponse that screams 'auto.' Not necessarily in the written content but rather in the tone and, especially, mixed up dynamic insertions—like the wrong names, operating hours, or product titles.

If your business doesn't already have a friendly, informative, and human auto-reply, then feel free to use ours…

Example email template

Hi [first_name],

Thanks for contacting [company_name]!

This automatic reply is just to let you know that we received your message and we'll get back to you with a response as quickly as possible. During [business_hours] we do our best to reply as quick as we can, usually within a couple of hours. Evenings and weekends may take us a little bit longer.

If you have a general question about using [specific_product], you're welcome to browse our [knowledge_base_link] for walkthroughs of all of our features and answers to frequently asked questions.

If you have any additional information that you think will help us to assist you, please feel free to reply to this email.

We look forward to chatting soon!

Twitterrific for twitter 5 4 32. Thanks, [agent_name] and [agent_headshot]

Using customer service email templates

Customer service email templates have the power to add hours back into your day. Maybe you've been copying and pasting the same text every day. Or perhaps you won't let your new customer service agent send a support email without approving it first.

Either way, you've been wasting precious time. Don't let the fear of sending impersonal, robotic responses stop you.

You're here. You're reading this cool blog. You care about your business. You won't send emails that suck. (I won't let you.)

All of the examples I'm about to reveal are real email scripts that we use at Groove. We call them canned replies.

Read the following emails over, copy and paste the ones you like, then tweak them to reflect your unique business proposition.

We'll walk through why these templates work (so you can build your own moving forward). Then provide a copy-and-paste-able template that you can easily add into your helpdesk and edit as needed.

Want to skip directly to the template part? Go for it. Here are all five templates in an easy to read (and copy) slide deck.

Template #1: A customer requesting a discount

Discounts can be a great way to satisfy customers after a bad experience or entice them to buy again. In certain circumstances though, discounts simply don't make sense. Worse, they set a poor precedent for putting a bandaid on an open wound.

Be careful not to acquiesce to angry customer's demands without fully understanding their problem.

When a customer asks for a discount that we cannot give, we send this email response:

Hi %{first_name},

First of all, thank you so much for checking out Groove!

Mail Master 1 1 1 – Design Stylish Emails Without

We too, are a small business and appreciate you checking in to see what options we have available. At this time, we do not offer any discounts or startup pricing plans.

We've worked really hard to build the best product out there for small businesses to deliver awesome, personal customer support. We believe that Groove delivers so much value and you will feel that the investment pays itself off.

Thanks again and we wish you the very best as your business grows. Pdf to excel converter 6 2 13.


Lead with empathy, find commonalities whenever possible to establish mutual respect. Include personal touches, letting them know you appreciate their unique situation. Remain confident in the value of your product, and your customers will follow suit.

Template #2: A feature request you're not going to build

Most software companies get dozens of feature requests every week—and that's not a bad thing. It means your users care enough to offer their own ideas and feedback to make your product even better.

However, many requests don't align with the company vision or make sense for the majority of other customers.

That said, flat-out rejection sucks. You want to make your users feel like their ideas are worthy, so phrasing your rejection to their customer feedback the right way is key.

We tested 10+ different approaches for this situation over the years, and one of them continues to stand out above the rest:

Hi %{first_name},

Thanks for writing in! There's no way to do this at the moment, but it is something we're considering for a future release. I just added you to the list for follow up, so as soon as we do have news regarding mass replies we'll be sure to reach out.

In the meantime, your best bet for speeding this up would probably be to use canned replies. Then it's just a couple of clicks per ticket to send out the same reply.


Despite being 'canned,' the response gets personal. We took the time to really think about the idea, and that's clear. It's in a positive tone of voice and still delivers value to the customer.

Likely, your customer will accept that their request will not be fulfilled. And you'll still provide a positive experience by walking them through an alternative that'll work for them. Win-win.

What if a customer says they'll flat-out leave if you don't build what they want you to?

Generally, if a feature is make-or-break, but we can't justify building it (due to resource constraints or it being outside the scope of our vision/focus), our main goal is still to provide great customer service, even if that means they might leave. For now.

In fact, if the feature is 100% critical for them and we can't offer a viable alternative, we'll tell them which of our competitors with that feature we think might serve their needs best.

We get it—the smallest thought of admitting that your competitor has something better can be frightening. However, here's what happens as a result:

  1. Even though our product might not fit their needs, the customer will know that we went out of our way to guide them towards what's genuinely best for them. That sort of goodwill goes a long way.
  2. If you do end up building that feature in the future, because of the way you handled the issue, you have a strong case to make for that customer to return.

Both of those things are a better alternative than having a customer who leaves feeling 100% unhappy with our product and likely to disappear for good.

Template #3: A customer who needs babysitting through a simple task

Saying yes all the time sends the message that your customers should rely on you for every little thing. This will cost you time and money.

It's okay to say no. If you do it the right way, you won't risk offending anyone or destroying any customer relationships. In fact, saying no might be the best choice for you and your customers.

Assess the urgency of the situation and encourage your support team to get more clarity. The majority of customer emails are iterations of the same question. Don't get swept up in the confusion yourself. Remain calm and get more information before diving into a response.

Hi %{first_name},

Thanks for your note. I'm not sure I follow what you're saying, any chance you could provide a little more detail? A screenshot would be super helpful as well.

I'll do my best to help.


As long as you make sure it's not a bug, put the onus back on the customer to resolve their own issue and provide them with the resources to do so.

If you have managed to put together a great knowledge base or other self-help solution, your customers will be willing (and eager) to engage. People actually like using self-serve support, especially if the resources are tailored to them.

If their problems aren't answered in your knowledge base, use it as an opportunity to improve your content there.

Receiving a request for step-by-step support is an opportunity to teach customers how to use your services, and gives you the chance to define expectations.

Why? Because asking the customer to send a follow-up email with more detail automatically makes them think rationally.

Questions are powerful. They put us in the mindset of fixing the issue. Plus, they help customers learn about your product and feel accomplished, while reassuring them you're available to offer the support they need.

Template #4: An angry customer

Dealing with angry customers requires its own post (which of course we've already written). Here, we'll look specifically at how we use email templates to pacify the situation.

Some customer complaints arise because they feel slighted by something you or your company did. Other times, customers are emailing simply because they've had a tough day and you're an easy target. No matter the underlying reason, how you deal with it determines the ultimate resolution.

Keep your cool and don't let your customer's anger influence your own behavior. Then, acknowledge their feelings. Be empathetic, apologize, and make it clear you understand that they're upset.

Refocus the conversation on the actual problem at hand. Work to find a concrete resolution to the issue.

Here's the customer support email we use to turn an angry customer into a happy one:

Hi %{first_name},

Thanks for reaching out. I'm so sorry, I definitely understand your concern and I'm escalating your issue so that someone can take a closer look at what's going on right away.

Please standby and one of my teammates will get back to you with more details ASAP.


Empathize, apologize, promise a resolution, and let the customer know their problem is being taken seriously.

Template #5: Your product or service is broken

If you've been working in the tech industry long enough, you've likely got a server outage story. And you might still have nightmares of opening the inbox to thousands of emails from upset customers asking why the product they pay for isn't working.

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, though. Living through these situations helps to improve customer service skills and anticipate customer needs following an unexpected problem.

This customer service email template has saved us our fair share of customers:

Hi %{first_name},

Sorry for the delay in response.

We encountered an issue earlier today that affected a portion of accounts — and unfortunately yours was one of those affected.

We have rectified the underlying problem and you should be up and running again now. No conversations were lost during this time, but please give it a few minutes for them to flow into your inbox.

We understand how critical we are in the role of supporting your customers, and will be implementing a host of solutions to ensure that a situation like this does not occur again.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to give us a shout.


Include all of the information you have on hand, and connect the dots to show exactly how it affects the customer's account. Remain empathetic and apologetic, maintaining a level of respect and understanding for how your product stability impacts their work.

Note: Just as important as saying the right thing in this situation is making sure you actually do keep updating your customers regularly. You hate being kept in the dark, and your customers do, too.


We too, are a small business and appreciate you checking in to see what options we have available. At this time, we do not offer any discounts or startup pricing plans.

We've worked really hard to build the best product out there for small businesses to deliver awesome, personal customer support. We believe that Groove delivers so much value and you will feel that the investment pays itself off.

Thanks again and we wish you the very best as your business grows. Pdf to excel converter 6 2 13.


Lead with empathy, find commonalities whenever possible to establish mutual respect. Include personal touches, letting them know you appreciate their unique situation. Remain confident in the value of your product, and your customers will follow suit.

Template #2: A feature request you're not going to build

Most software companies get dozens of feature requests every week—and that's not a bad thing. It means your users care enough to offer their own ideas and feedback to make your product even better.

However, many requests don't align with the company vision or make sense for the majority of other customers.

That said, flat-out rejection sucks. You want to make your users feel like their ideas are worthy, so phrasing your rejection to their customer feedback the right way is key.

We tested 10+ different approaches for this situation over the years, and one of them continues to stand out above the rest:

Hi %{first_name},

Thanks for writing in! There's no way to do this at the moment, but it is something we're considering for a future release. I just added you to the list for follow up, so as soon as we do have news regarding mass replies we'll be sure to reach out.

In the meantime, your best bet for speeding this up would probably be to use canned replies. Then it's just a couple of clicks per ticket to send out the same reply.


Despite being 'canned,' the response gets personal. We took the time to really think about the idea, and that's clear. It's in a positive tone of voice and still delivers value to the customer.

Likely, your customer will accept that their request will not be fulfilled. And you'll still provide a positive experience by walking them through an alternative that'll work for them. Win-win.

What if a customer says they'll flat-out leave if you don't build what they want you to?

Generally, if a feature is make-or-break, but we can't justify building it (due to resource constraints or it being outside the scope of our vision/focus), our main goal is still to provide great customer service, even if that means they might leave. For now.

In fact, if the feature is 100% critical for them and we can't offer a viable alternative, we'll tell them which of our competitors with that feature we think might serve their needs best.

We get it—the smallest thought of admitting that your competitor has something better can be frightening. However, here's what happens as a result:

  1. Even though our product might not fit their needs, the customer will know that we went out of our way to guide them towards what's genuinely best for them. That sort of goodwill goes a long way.
  2. If you do end up building that feature in the future, because of the way you handled the issue, you have a strong case to make for that customer to return.

Both of those things are a better alternative than having a customer who leaves feeling 100% unhappy with our product and likely to disappear for good.

Template #3: A customer who needs babysitting through a simple task

Saying yes all the time sends the message that your customers should rely on you for every little thing. This will cost you time and money.

It's okay to say no. If you do it the right way, you won't risk offending anyone or destroying any customer relationships. In fact, saying no might be the best choice for you and your customers.

Assess the urgency of the situation and encourage your support team to get more clarity. The majority of customer emails are iterations of the same question. Don't get swept up in the confusion yourself. Remain calm and get more information before diving into a response.

Hi %{first_name},

Thanks for your note. I'm not sure I follow what you're saying, any chance you could provide a little more detail? A screenshot would be super helpful as well.

I'll do my best to help.


As long as you make sure it's not a bug, put the onus back on the customer to resolve their own issue and provide them with the resources to do so.

If you have managed to put together a great knowledge base or other self-help solution, your customers will be willing (and eager) to engage. People actually like using self-serve support, especially if the resources are tailored to them.

If their problems aren't answered in your knowledge base, use it as an opportunity to improve your content there.

Receiving a request for step-by-step support is an opportunity to teach customers how to use your services, and gives you the chance to define expectations.

Why? Because asking the customer to send a follow-up email with more detail automatically makes them think rationally.

Questions are powerful. They put us in the mindset of fixing the issue. Plus, they help customers learn about your product and feel accomplished, while reassuring them you're available to offer the support they need.

Template #4: An angry customer

Dealing with angry customers requires its own post (which of course we've already written). Here, we'll look specifically at how we use email templates to pacify the situation.

Some customer complaints arise because they feel slighted by something you or your company did. Other times, customers are emailing simply because they've had a tough day and you're an easy target. No matter the underlying reason, how you deal with it determines the ultimate resolution.

Keep your cool and don't let your customer's anger influence your own behavior. Then, acknowledge their feelings. Be empathetic, apologize, and make it clear you understand that they're upset.

Refocus the conversation on the actual problem at hand. Work to find a concrete resolution to the issue.

Here's the customer support email we use to turn an angry customer into a happy one:

Hi %{first_name},

Thanks for reaching out. I'm so sorry, I definitely understand your concern and I'm escalating your issue so that someone can take a closer look at what's going on right away.

Please standby and one of my teammates will get back to you with more details ASAP.


Empathize, apologize, promise a resolution, and let the customer know their problem is being taken seriously.

Template #5: Your product or service is broken

If you've been working in the tech industry long enough, you've likely got a server outage story. And you might still have nightmares of opening the inbox to thousands of emails from upset customers asking why the product they pay for isn't working.

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, though. Living through these situations helps to improve customer service skills and anticipate customer needs following an unexpected problem.

This customer service email template has saved us our fair share of customers:

Hi %{first_name},

Sorry for the delay in response.

We encountered an issue earlier today that affected a portion of accounts — and unfortunately yours was one of those affected.

We have rectified the underlying problem and you should be up and running again now. No conversations were lost during this time, but please give it a few minutes for them to flow into your inbox.

We understand how critical we are in the role of supporting your customers, and will be implementing a host of solutions to ensure that a situation like this does not occur again.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to give us a shout.


Include all of the information you have on hand, and connect the dots to show exactly how it affects the customer's account. Remain empathetic and apologetic, maintaining a level of respect and understanding for how your product stability impacts their work.

Note: Just as important as saying the right thing in this situation is making sure you actually do keep updating your customers regularly. You hate being kept in the dark, and your customers do, too.

Create your own customer service email templates

Although the customer service email templates we shared today cover very specific situations, the concepts in them (empathy, sharing information, promising resolutions) can be applied to just about every support situation.

Dig deep to understand and appreciate how the customer feels, and respond appropriately. Let these templates guide you to create your own. Put your personal touch on each one. Above all, keep them flexible.

Watch how customers respond to or rate each template and constantly improve them. Yes, templates let you set-it-and-forget-it. Here at Groove though, we prefer to simply hit 'snooze,' and only 'forget it' for a few weeks at a time.

Login froms are utilized by a few sites. The prerequisite of these login shapes turns out to be fundamental for getting a charge out of the administrations display on these sites. The client confirmation through this login gives protected and certain client supplier interface.

To obtain entrance client experience straightforward procedure of enlisting in the first place, join or desert some data. Mostly everything on the web requires login shape some place to access something. The entire web is fragmented without login forms and enrollment, information exchanges frames.

MIGHT INTEREST YOU: To manage multiple websites and login to all via a single dashboard, you can use Easy Blog Networks.

Each site that permits clients to post remarks, place arranges, or make a client profile will oblige clients to login. Making a login page is troublesome, and past the vast majority's coding abilities. Fortunately, you don't need to assemble your own particular login page.

There are various latest and best templates that permit clients to put a login page on their site. In this article we'll display some of the best free CSS3 HTML5 login form templates for your next web related projects.

Truth be told, these days, well known web administration, web application are permits or requires client membership, which implies that they will require some sort of forms for clients to enlist and sign in on their site.

Every single form has been altogether tried to guarantee no segments are missing and source code is accessible with each download. Obviously, you are allowed to utilize these forms for individual and business purposes, with no requirement for attribution.

1. Kalon Login Form Responsive Template

Kalon Login Form is a completely responsive gadget format for your sites. This gadget is planned utilizing web advancements. It is totally free for download.

2. Simple Login Form

This is a most beautiful and cool simple login form design for your next website projects. This form is made by CSS3 and HTML5.

3. Digital Login Form

This is a login Form Widget which can be utilized as a part of you web ventures. The Flat darker foundation shade of the shape influences it to look alluring and clean.

4. Lucid Login Form

Lucid is a completely responsive and elegant Login Form for your sites. This gadget is outlined utilizing web advancements, for example, HTML5, and CSS3.

5. Responsive Login Form Template

It's completely responsive outline prepared to look dazzling on any gadget. It is totally free for download and can be utilized straight away in your site.

6. Minimalistic Login Form

This is a most beautiful and clean minimal login from template for your web related projects.

7. Flat Beautiful Green Login Form

Most attractive and simple green background login from design that are free available on the web.

8. Login, Register Form

White form template is created in css3 and html5. You can used this as login and register form.

9. Unfolding Login Form

With smooth and brilliant design, present day Login and Register Forms looks extremely engaging. This layout very adaptable and flexible to your requirement.

10. Web App Login Form

A fresh and easy login form with a round submit button and stylish focus states.

11. Login Form

Splendidly shaded catches against a dull or a white foundation are extremely eye appealing and this format is effectively editable.

12. Sign Up Form

A straightforward signup form with crisp colors. The top fringe is made utilizing a direct inclination with settled shading stop focuses.

13. Free Login and Signup Form

This format accompanies secret key meter and elements an impeccably straightforward design with insignificant outlining impacts.

14. DropDown Login Form

This is drop down css3 and html5 login form web template. You can easily edit this file and changing colors and designs.

15. Flat Login – Sign Up Form

The outline depends on single PSD layer that makes it effectively editable. The writings are likewise editable and accompanied Google Web Fonts.

16. Creative Free Login Form

This is most amazing free login from in dark color and login button in green color. This is vert attractive colors contrast.

17. Custom Login Form Styling

This modern and stylish login form come in wood texture background and transparent design. This from is developed in css and html.

18. Elegant Login Form

This designer format highlights splendidly editable CSS3 login frame with shortsighted outline. This format is flawless to be utilized for corporate and expert WordPress sites.

19. Free CSS3 HTML5 Login Form Templates

Impeccably responsive, this layout work better in any gadget, portable or desktop. It is printable and can be modified according to the necessity.

20. Login and Registration Form with HTML5 and CSS3

This structures are impeccably completely responsive and guarantees simple, with basic decent design. It is completely editable and change the setting as your need.

21. HTML5 Boilerplate Login Form for Company

This layout is best to include enrollment structures and contact pages in sites. Their appearance makes them consummately well-suited for any site settings.

22. Flat Responsive Church Signin Form

Church Signin form flat responsive gadget format for your sites, makes your site or web application sign in. This gadget is planned utilizing web advances, for example, HTML5, and CSS3.

23. Simple & Clean HTML5 CSS3 Login Form

This form is coded in HTML5 and CSS3, which effortlessly corrupts in more established programs.

24. CSS3 Dark Batman Login Form

Batman Login Form is a changed over html css3 login format. Including angle the highest point of the login frame was the most worked territory.

25. Simple HTML5 Login Form

With a to a great degree specialty format, this layout highlights current HTML based information exchange boards. It is absolutely responsive and can be altered according to prerequisite.

26. Slick login form with HTML5 & CSS3

We definitely realize that CSS3 can make a great deal of new conceivable outcomes to outline and execute better web frames.

27. CSS3 Login Form Template

This is a most simple and easy free css3 html5 login form templates for your next projects. This form background is dark color.

28. Responsive HTML5 CSS3 Register Template

This Register site format approval to keep the client from presenting the shape without filling all the required fields.

29. Bootstrap Login Form Layered Free

This is a attractive and great bootstrap based free css3 html5 login form templates that you will used in your next website designing.

30. Free HTML5 CSS3 Responsive Login Signup Form

This Login Form has been intended to dependably render in a flawlessly symmetrical format which amplifies on the accessible screen space.

31. Apple-like Login Form

You should utilize some kind of login shape to perform anything on the web. This silver colored login form template is best for you.

32. Flat Drop Down Login Form

Attempt this login frame on your website. The plain background and the light blue shade of the shape influences it to look alluring and cool.

33. Login to Everdwell

This format will properly match will all sort of destinations and it likewise look noteworthy on all contraptions, for example, mobiles and tablets.

34. Animated Login Form

This is an other simple and easy login from design. To use this login shape layout simply download this and some customization by sticking it on your source code.

35. Red Login Form

This is a very much planned CSS3 and HTML5 login frame is fundamental in each web locales to endearingly keep up an intense individual organization framework.

36. Flat Business Profile Widget Responsive Template

Web application are permits or needs singular enrollment, which means they will require a type of sorts for clients to sign up and enlist on the site.

37. Login and Logout Animation Concept

Mail Master 1 1 1 – Design Stylish Emails Without Downloading

There are various methods to plan free css3 html5 login form templates. Be that as it may, picking the best answer for the undertaking could be a broad task.

38. Flat Login Box Form Responsive Template

Mail Master 1 1 1 – Design Stylish Emails Without Damaging

This is a fancy style flat design login form design ideas. This is a particular and most helpful free cool and sharp login frame layouts, made out of HTML5 and CSS3.

39. Social Media Login Page

This is a Social Media networks inspired login pages look excellent and notable with login catches and in addition custom login style. This free css3 html5 login form templates for you.

Mail Master 1 1 1 – Design Stylish Emails Without Losing

40. Dark Sign-in Form

Mail Master 1 1 1 – Design Stylish Emails Without Deleting

This is a creative and stylish dark color sign-in form design for your websites. You can free download this free css3 html5 login form templates and used in your next projects.

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